Since we launched Alberta Doctors' Digest as an all-digital publication in March of 2018, you may have noticed we started embedding audio interviews into some of the print stories. The reaction has been good, so we're now taking it to the next level.

We will continue to embed spoken-word interviews into some print stories, but now we have also launched an Alberta Doctors' Digest podcast. This means you can listen to select Alberta Doctors' Digest stories in iTunes, the Apple Podcast app, or your other podcast player. It also means you can subscribe (for free, of course) so the stories will automatically show up in your app as they become available. This is a great way to keep current on select Alberta Doctors' Digest stories because you can listen while driving or doing other things. 

Finally, you've got a really good reason to toss those old 8 tracks, cassettes and CDs because you can listen to select Alberta Doctors' Digest stories instead during your commute!

To subscribe in iTunes, click here, or just search for Alberta Doctors' Digest in your podcast app. If you do a search, please note you might also find a series of Alberta Doctors' Digest podcast interviews from a few years ago. Like those old 8 tracks, you may want to listen for fun, but you'll certainly want to subscribe to the new series. 

Banner photo credit: Bruno Glätsch,