
Is it real? Is it real?

Do I have it? Never have I

Been so ill. Ever.


Henny Penny the sky is falling

I see it coming like a cloud 

Of locusts on the prairie horizon,

Warning others, it’s time to get 

Your rations; They are not sure If

I’ve gone mad,

Neither am I.


Coughing people stand too close,

Spewing droplets like glitter to hang in the air 

And settle on surfaces.

A father laughs when his daughter coughs in my face,

I do not laugh in return.

Henny Penny

March Twenty, Twenty Twenty:

Everything stops. 

Just like Henny Penny said.

The Physician and Family Support Program (PFSP) invites original physician poetry submissions.

We invite Alberta physicians in any career stage to send in their original poems/prose to be considered for publication in the PFSP Perspectives column in future issues of Alberta Doctors’ Digest

  • Submissions (under 500 words please) can be emailed to pfsp@albertadoctors.org. Please put the phrase “poetry submission” in the subject field of the email. 
  • We will acknowledge receipt of your submission. If it is selected for publication, we will work with the editor of ADD to determine when it can be published. 
  • For further information or questions, please email pfsp@albertadoctors.org, and one of our team will get back to you.

Banner image credit: Dimitris Vetsikas, Pixabay.com