Edmonton AB
For Sale - Edmonton AB

Our medical office is closing, and we have a variety of medical office equipment available for sale, including:

  • Exam Tables & Sterilization: Two Ritter 204 exam tables (excellent condition), Ritter M9D autoclave, Haier Biomedical vaccine refrigerator
  • Diagnostic Equipment: Welch Allyn 71xx blood pressure monitor, Omron Intellisense blood pressure monitor
  • Ophthalmic & Otoscopic Equipment: Welch Allyn Panoptic ophthalmoscope and otoscope with charger
  • Additional Medical Equipment: Welch Allyn light source with charger, 30-liter liquid nitrogen tank, and minor surgery instruments
  • Furniture: 12 waiting room chairs and two office desks

Additionally, a turnkey 900 sq. ft. medical office on Edmonton’s south side is available for sublease.

For inquiries, please contact:
E: 2013r2d2@gmail.com