Since 2005, Dr. Tessa Penrod has been a family physician, practicing in Saskatchewan and Manitoba before moving to Beaumont, Alberta in 2011. Located just outside of Edmonton, Beaumont is not rural, but still has a small town vibe. She loves to build relationships and see good outcomes for people, which her patients appreciate.

“Incredible doctor. Amazing skills with general mental health but extraordinary with adolescence. My teenage children are treated with respect, appropriate autonomy and are active participants in their care. Dr. Penrod is a woman, feminist, mother and humanitarian. We need more physicians like Dr. Penrod, particularly in communities like Beaumont, where social services are inadequate. Dr. Penrod practices from a holistic framework, with a firm commitment to mental health wellness, as much as physical wellness.”

Here’s more about Dr. Penrod’s work and how she makes a difference in peoples’ lives.

Tessa Penrod quote
Dr. Tessa Penrod

What does your practice look like?

I have a family practice in Beaumont, where I tend to look after entire families. It’s a small practice, combined with my other work. I also do shifts for low-risk obstetrics and, occasionally, palliative care. 

Why did you choose this combination of family practice, obstetrics and palliative care?

I grew up in a small community and imagined myself in a small place doing everything. Initially, I wanted to have a rural practice with extended skills, but my journey took me elsewhere. However, I still get to practice obstetrics and some palliative care.

Why do you love obstetrics?

I love the procedural aspect of it. Birth is both exciting and sometimes terrifying. It’s special to be a part of it.

And why palliative care?

End of life is a time when people and families have a lot of fears and stresses, and I can make a huge difference in their journey. When I help a family go through it with less stress, it has lasting impact on them and me.

In both birth and death, the way the journey is navigated can make a huge difference. I want my patients to feel safe and supported in every stage of their lives.

About the Shine A Light Program 

The AMA’s Shine A Light Program allows individual patients or community members to recognize AMA member physicians for:

·       Providing exemplary care that made a difference in a patient’s life.

·       Spearheading projects that improve patient and/or community life.

·       Contributing to a high-performing health care system.

Do you know a physician who goes above and beyond to care for his/her patients? You can nominate them for the Shine A Light program on the AMA website.