Dr. Mohammed Mosli comes from a long line of physicians. Although he initially planned to become a surgeon like his father, his career path took an unexpected turn that led him to specialize in public health and preventive medicine with a special interest in addiction health. His focus has increasingly been on caring for vulnerable populations. 

A colleague felt Dr. Mosli’s care for these populations deserves to be showcased:

“I am nominating Dr. Mosli for the Shine A Light because he has such a passion for caring for the vulnerable population. Dr. Mosli is a public health and preventive medicine specialist who has dedicated his practice to helping those who suffer from pain, substance use disorders and mental health. He spends as much time as necessary with his patients and builds lasting relationships with those who do not have many positive people in their lives.”

Mohammed Mosli quote
Dr. Mohammed Mosli

“Dr. Mosli has partnered with different community partners to help expand the medical neighbourhood for these people and because of this, patients are being tested and treated for STBBIs when they would normally go undiagnosed; homeless individuals are becoming sober, getting approved for financial assistance, connecting back with their families and having more stability in their health and their lives. Dr. Mosli sees past the external picture of his patients and gets to know them as the individuals that they are and helps them to be the people that they can be. He connects them to the proper resources that they need so that they do not fall through the cracks of the system.”

“Dr. Mosli deserves to be recognized for the work that he is doing to help that many patients in his practice. I have seen him walk the streets to just say ‘hi’ and share a smile with many of the homeless and see if he can help them in any way. Truly inspirational.”

Here's what Dr. Mosli had to say about his work.

Tell us about your background

I completed my training in public health and preventative medicine at the University of Calgary and successfully passed my Royal College and obtained my FRCPC. Initially, I pursued a career in public health and became a medical officer of Health for Alberta Health services, where I worked for five years. During that time, I recognized my passion for addictions health and shifted my career to focus on it. This led to establishing Care Gateway Medical in partnership with my colleagues, Dr. Lucas Gursky and Dr. Nesrin Yakout. In addition to Care Gateway Medical in Red Deer and Wetaskiwin, I also work at the AHS Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) clinic in Calgary where I am part of a multidisciplinary team including addictions experts, psychiatrists, addictions counselors, social workers and recovery coaches.

Why the focus on public health?

As the opioid crisis intensified, I pursued more training in addictions and mental health. These patients are facing challenge after challenge – job loss, homelessness, lack of supports – in addition to their health concerns. These people really need help. Our clinical approach follows the Canadian Public Health Association’s Framework for Substance Use, which emphasizes the importance of the social determinants of health in helping people struggling with substance use disorder.

Why did you open clinics in Red Deer and Wetaskiwin?

We chose Red Deer initially because it had one of the highest opioid toxicity [rates] per capita in Canada. Wetaskiwin sees incredibly high numbers as well. The need in these two cities for addictions services is extremely high. We hope to bring the public health approach to substance use to rural Alberta, where we felt it would have the most impact.

What do you find most satisfying about your work?

In this day and age, everyone knows someone who struggles with mental health, including substance use disorder. I get a lot of job satisfaction in helping people get the help they need and overcome this disease. This also includes connecting with family, pursuing an education or finding a job. When we partner with non-profits, law enforcement, shelters and other organizations, we begin to see good outcomes and a positive impact on people’s lives. This is the definition of public health.

I believe in treating people with dignity and respect and giving them access to care without stigmatization. Just treat people with kindness. Such a simple principle will go a long way in helping those who need the help the most.

About Shine A Light

The Shine A Light Program recognizes and profiles AMA member physicians who are making a difference by:

  • Spearheading projects that improve patient and/or community life.
  • Diligently following/tracking patients to ensure coordinated care.
  • Contributing to Alberta’s vision of a high-performing health care system.