Rural and remote medicine is a unique specialty within the profession. Rural generalist physicians are integral not only to the care of rural Albertans. Across our beautiful province, these physicians are essential to – and deeply ingrained in – their home communities.

The AMA Board of Directors has established the Medal for Excellence and Achievement in Rural/Remote Medicine. This honour will recognize a physician(s) who have made an outstanding personal contribution to patients of rural/remote Alberta and to the rural/remote community(ies) in which they live.

Our hope is to bestow the inaugural medal at the Fall 2024 Representative Forum. We invite members to recognize rural colleagues with this award, or to spread the word in your communities so friends and neighbours around them may make worthy nominations

Nominate a colleague

Each year the AMA accepts nominations for its Achievement Awards, the highest awards bestowed by the association. In addition to the new medal, these awards include:

  • Medal for Distinguished Service
  • Medal of Honour
  • Award for Compassionate Service

To nominate an outstanding rural or remote physician, visit the AMA website to view the criteria and learn more about submitting a nomination.

Banner image credit: Pete Linforth,