Before we entice you with a compelling proposition, let’s first give a shout out and provide credit where credit is due. Since late 2019, Dr. Vincent Vong has been the Alberta Doctors’ Digest columnist behind Dr. Gadget. His medical technology stories have been been both visionary and practical.

So we are very sorry to announce that Dr. Vong is ready to hand over the reins of the Dr. Gadget column to another capable AMA member.

AMA President, Dr. Michelle Warren, offers these kind words to Dr. Vong:

“You have provided ADD readers with invaluable guidance and insight into the world of technology. As the COVID-19 pandemic progressed, and physicians found themselves having to fast-track their adoption of new technology, you kept them informed about cutting-edge tech and gadgets that sparked enthusiasm and interest in what lies ahead. 

“Your passion for technology, and for exploring the connectivity of technology interplayed with medicine, is infectious and has inspired others to follow your lead. You have piqued the curiosity of many and introduced readers to what technology will make possible for our patients and our profession.”

All of us here at Alberta Doctors’ Digest and the entire AMA share Dr. Warren’s sentiments.

So what’s next? Well, Dr. Gadget is a very popular column, so we’re looking to fill some big shoes. If you are an AMA member – and more than just a little bit geeky – we would like to hear from you.

We are searching for a writer who can commit to six stories per year according to predetermined deadlines. We provide an honorarium for each story, but the biggest benefit is that writing for ADD is a fun opportunity to make a contribution to your profession – helping other physicians in Alberta become more efficient and effective through your thought leadership in technology.

Interested? Please send us your bio and one or two short writing samples. We’ll keep this outreach going until we find the right writer, so please ping us ASAP.

You can contact us at

Banner image credit: Jan Vasek,