Moiz Hafeez
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Moiz Hafeez is a part of the Leaders in Medicine Program at the Cumming School of Medicine working on his combined MD/MSc degree. He is involved in extensive medical imaging research with the Calgary Stroke Program where his current work explores the utility of novel imaging tools in the diagnosis and treatment of acute stroke patients.

Moiz also deeply cares about social accountability and student mistreatment. To this end, he serves as the current student representative on the Alberta Medical Association's Board of Directors and the VP External Affairs for the Calgary Medical Students' Association. In these roles, he advocates on behalf of Alberta's medical students on various issues ranging from improving the representation of traditionally underrepresented groups in medicine to streamlining processes for reporting student mistreatment and harassment.

On a personal note, Moiz loves spending time with his family and friends and likes to get out to the mountains for hiking during his spare time.